Monday, September 24, 2007

Our storage room is under water

I was thinking about cleaning out our storage room and throwing out all the crap we have in there that we don't even know we have but keep because we are too lazy or just don't have time to go through or if we do we are too sad to give or throw away. Well.. sometimes like they say , be careful what you wish for, for it might come true..and so this weekend we had a one day of very hard rain called the "gota fria" This means The Cold Drop. It happens due to warm air still coming over from Africa hitting the cooler sea and causing rain clouds. These clouds cannot get over the mountain ranges so they drop their load. thus, The Cold Drop! explanation thanks to angier blog. And what this means is it rains what is supposed to rain in about a week in about an you could imagine the chaos it holds for us here in Alicante, a city not prepared for rain...

Anyway, this lovely rain, very much needed in our neck of the woods has caused flooding everywhere including our storage room.. Yes, the water crept in about half way in so our stuff lets just say is a little stuffy and humid smelling.. there was so much water in the hall way of the storage area and in our elevators.. yes water got in the elevators.. when you got in you could hear the water gushing about ...(they are not in use at the moment) a huge truck had to come and suck out about 7,000 liters of water from our garage, elevator and storage area.. hahah... yes very funny...

I had to take the day off tomorrow so we could go through all our crap and see what we could salvage.. I will let you know how much we were able to get rid off.. sometimes, things happen for a reason.. it was time to do some cleaning and the rain has helped a lot of us not only clean our stuff but refresh our spirits....

photo flckr


Anonymous said...

no te preocupes, han sido cuatro gotas. Si no me crees, mira los rusos :-)

Nuria said...

muy gracioso... pero verdad..