Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A rough week

It is only Wednesday, hump day but so far this week has been one of the hardest ever. I can't comment too much about it yet, but as soon as I can I will make many comments on this blog..

If you want to personally email me I will be more than happy to tell you what is going on.. but lets just say that life throws you many surprises and some of them are very unfortunate and very disturbing..

I leave you with that and will continue blogging away with our Spain stories...

photo flickr


Pau said...

Te despediste de todos menos de mí :(

Un beso

La Playa San Juan said...

Lo siento..Te llamare esta semana.. Un beso muy grande..

Anonymous said...

Entiendo perfectamente tus sentimientos: rabia, impotencia y decepción. Sobre todo decepción.
Ánimo Miami Dancer!

La Playa San Juan said...

Gracias infonomada,

Cada dia me siento un poco mejor. gracias por todo..