Sunday, May 27, 2007

Marco remembered he knows how to swim

Although it was not very sunny today but very windy Marco wanted to go swimming. The day was in between sun and clouds and he just kept looking out of the window to see if there was anyone in the pool, but nothing. Every few minutes he would check and see until finally I heard the yelling "Sofia, Sofia is in the deep end of the pool" "Mama, Mama hurry, hurry we need to go downstairs" and so we did. The water was freezing but that didn't stop him and he jumped right in..

At first he was a little hesitant and wasn't sure if he remembered how to swim. He held on tight to the edge until, he finally realized, hey I float.. yippeee.....then little by little, the same reason I was forced to take him to the pool (Sofia), became the same reason others started coming down. Marco saw Sofia swimming, Cristina saw Marco swimming, Emma saw Cristina swimming, Maria saw Emma swimming and so on and so on until the entire urbanization of neighbors was downstairs hoping their kids would not jump in to the freezing cold water.

All kids went in and swam for a little while but came out frozen, except Marco that swam for about an hour and a half until I had to take him out when his lips were blue...

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