Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving in Spain

We forget about the little holidays that are special to us when we are in a different country. Although Spain has plenty of holidays (pretty much, every day is a holiday here..there is a reason for celebration, or an excuse to get off work for weeks.. every month), there are still some holidays that we do miss, for example the fourth of July, Memorial day and of course Thanksgiving.

Well, this year my father and Mary Tery came for a visit and we took the opportunity to celebrate this wonderful holiday together. Although trying to gather all the ingredients here for an authentic Thanksgiving meal was a venture on its own. My dad had to smuggle the cranberry sauce, which no one has a clue what it is here, I had to order the turkey weeks in advanced from a specialty meat company and I had to search for sweet potatoes all over town.. and forget about pumpkin pie, that was one thing we just couldn't manage to find.

But overall, we had a wonderful time. It was great to be with my dad and MT and the kids really enjoyed their visit. We spent all weekend eating and enjoying the family. My father and MT left today for a cruise and the kids are going to miss the spoiling their grandparents gave them.

If you want to see all the pictures of our Thanksgiving four day event click HERE....

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