Saturday, November 3, 2007

Marco's first Post

Marco is learning how to write and wanted to write his first post story so here goes..(in Spanishof course, but i have translated it for you all non Spanish speakers)

un dia un prinzipe estaba andando para cazar y vino un malo y le robo y despues unos ninos vinieron eran 4 y el malo no los dejaban pasar y el bueno dice por la llave secreta pues vamos a cojer el malo con una espada de su castillo y una pistola para dispar al malo y por fin murio el malo y pudieron salvar al bueno.

colorin colorado este cuento se acabado.

English version

one day a prince was walking to hunt and a bad guy came and robed him and then some children came they were 4 and the bad guy would not let them pass and the good one said get the secret key well lets get the bad guy with a sword from his castle and a gun to shoot the bad guy and finally the bad guy died and they were able to save the good one.

the end (colorin colorado can't be translated)

picture google

1 comment:

TP said...

Marco, `precioso el cuento sigue escribiendo me gusto mucho. YAYO