Sunday, July 15, 2007

We are back from our Italy trip

Did you miss me? I'm sure you have been patiently waiting for my return to hear all about our trip to Italy. Needless to say I will have to write our experience in several posts due to the great amount of information I have to share with all of you. So I will break it down by city then by special points of interest.

Overall, we had a great time, it was hot but at night it cooled down and the weather was awesome. Poor Isabella was sick the entire time with a cold and fever but in a way that was good for us because she didn't have her usual energy. Marco was a real trouper, he walked many miles with us never once complaining that we were going to see another church or museum.

My mother came with us which allowed Matt & I to have a couple of evenings dining alone, very romantic. The food was great but after eating pasta, pizza and salad for 8 days I was ready for a big old hamburger.

You can view all the pictures here.

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