Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Day After Christmas

This year was a very special year for us because the kids are at that special age when Santa Claus is more real than they are and the joy in their hearts when they open their gifts is emense.

Marco and Bella could not sleep the night before and were very anxious to find out if they had been naughty or nice, they left Santa drawings, milk and cookies and finally feel asleep. Marco woke up around 7:30 am and came to our bed to let us know that Santa had arrived, eating the cookies, drank the milk and left a Thank You note!!! we told him to go back to sleep because we were not getting up yet... poor thing, he did as was told but after a couple of more tries we had to choice to get out of bed.

Isabella was in awe, she didn't know what to do, she got the baby she had been waiting for, barbies and many other goodies, Marco got a game for him game boy and many other super heros and board games he had also asked for..

They were both so excited and have been playing with their toys ever since.. I envy their inocense and sometimes wish we could see life like that again..

You could see all the pictures of the Christmas morning here

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