Another year has gone by and as I'm sure everyone feels, it went by too fast. It's funny how time seems to go by so slow when we are young and in a hurry to grow up and how fast it becomes when we are all grown up and just want to be a kid again. Personally, this is my last year in my thirties, next year I will turn the big 40 and a new era in my life will begin and I'm ready.
This year as every year has been full of adventures. Marco turned 6 and Isabella 3. Birthday parties with their friends and all the fun and gifts that go along with the celebration were shared. They have become closer this year and play a lot more together, although they fight a lot too. Isabella for some reason thinks she is Marco's mother and takes care of him like if he were her own son. Marco doesn't like that too much but sometimes I think he actually does but doesn't want to admit it.
This year I became an aunt, my brother and his wife had a baby boy Tristan who will become my Godson in February when we go to Miami in 2008 for the baptism.
Marco continues to play the piano and is now learning to play the guitar, which my father and MT bought him for his birthday. He also continues with Judo and of course soccer. He is an avid reader and his teachers have only great things to say about him. He is becoming more responsible although he is still a bit in his own little world.
Isabella is still a hand full and thinks she is about 20 years old. She started dance classes this year and loves it. The teacher thinks she has talent, so we will see. Isabella is on to everything and spends her days asking us questions or actually giving us answers. Sometimes I think she doesn't even need us ..
Matt is also finding himself professionally here. His Spanish is really coming a long great and is a lot more fluent and confident. He is working in a large recording studio and has many interesting projects he is working on. He is very busy and a little frustrated with the Spanish work life but is finding a way to shape people up share his enthusiasm for life.
I',m a busy working mom that has no time for anything yet has time for it all. I'm enjoying our life here in Spain and watching the kids grow up to be two different, very different individuals. I'm still working part time in a PR firm and loving it. I started doing Yoga again and I'm hoping to find a ballet studio near (actually find the time) so I could maybe take some classes again.
Overall, we have been blessed with health and love and couldn't be happier. Yes, there have been good times and bad but we are struggling through life like the rest of you and enjoying every minute.
I hope 2008 brings health, love and happiness to all of you. I do hope to see some of you this way next year..